
Richland Creek Community Church

Having been brought by grace into fellowship with God through repentance and belief in our Lord Jesus Christ, and having been baptized by immersion in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we joyfully commit to love and serve one another as the body of Christ at Richland Creek Community Church.

We will gather regularly to worship the Lord, sit together under the teaching of the Word, and observe the ordinances, encouraging one another to love and good works. We will pray for one another, eagerly maintaining the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

We will care for one another's souls and graciously correct one another when appropriate, according to the Scriptures. We will be patient and kind with one another, forgiving each other in keeping with the forgiveness we have received in Christ. We will put one another’s needs before our own, in imitation of our Lord and in keeping with His command. We will rejoice with one another and lament with one another, seeking to bear one another’s burdens as we together fulfill the law of Christ.

We will, by God’s grace and for His glory, strive to walk in holiness and avoid worldliness. We will encourage one another as we practice together the spiritual disciplines of grace.

We will give as stewards of what God has given to us, cheerfully contributing to the ministries of the church and serving as we are each gifted by the Holy Spirit.

We will commit to the furtherance of the Gospel through our church, sharing the Gospel in our daily living and supporting the mission of God to all peoples and nations.

We will submit to the leadership of the pastors who have been entrusted by God to care for this church, and to follow the example of deacons who act as models of faithful service. We understand that all leaders within the church, and especially pastors, are accountable to God and are commanded to lead in a Christlike, servant-hearted manner.

We will, if we move from this local body, as soon as possible unite with another like-minded church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen.

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