
2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

We encourage all of those who are part of our church family to give—not out of obligation but out of a spirit of worship. Your gifts allow God's work to be done in our midst, in our community, and in the world around us.

There are four ways to give:

1. ONSITE: Give at one of our Sunday worship services.

2. ONLINE: Contribute anytime from anywhere through our website or church app. Consider setting up an automatic recurring gift. 

3. OTHER: IRA ,Stock Gifts, and Estate Planning 

4. MAIL: Mail your donation to 3229 Burlington Mills Rd. Wake Forest, NC 27587

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  • Giving Is Grace

    When Paul encouraged the Corinthian believers to give generously to the needs of their fellow believers, he could think of no better pattern than that of the Lord Jesus himself. Christ's example of self-sacrifice, giving all of Himself to us who deserve nothing, is our pattern for giving as well.

    This giving is not giving according to greed, guilt, or compulsion, but according to grace. It is, in fact, a great privilege and responsibility for believers to invest their money in God's eternal kingdom work. At Richland Creek, we believe that giving should first be exercised through the local church.

  • Online Giving FAQ

    Why give online?

    Giving is worship, but that worship does not have to be confined to a Sunday morning or any particular form of offering. New tools in electronic communication have made online giving an effective and meaningful way for people to give regularly and abundantly. Richland Creek wants to extend those tools to our members and guests.

    What about debt?

    We do not believe that people should incur debt in order to give to God's kingdom through the Creek. Carefully consider both your means and method of giving as your prayerfully support the ministries of Richland Creek.

    We accept credit and debit cards, check cards, e-checks, and ACH withdrawals through our online giving system.

    Is this method secure?

    Absolutely. We have partnered with companies that provide the most up-to-date online giving portal. This means that each transaction exceeds industry standards for encryption and the safety of personal data.

    Giving methods: 

    You can utilize your banking institution’s online banking features. Set up a one time or monthly auto pay draft directly from your account. This is a convenient, fast, and secure way to give. Giving through your banking institution saves The Creek the transactions fees.

    You can set up a one time or recurring gift to one or more funds with the click of our “Give Now” button. There is a 2.0% transaction fee associated with online transactions which you can choose to cover if you’d like to help. We’d appreciate it.

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