

July 28, 2024

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Weekly Sermon Notes

July 21, 2024 

Pastor Mike Powers - Vision & Preaching Pastor
Title: The Hope of Restoration 
Galatians 6:1-5 

1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. 2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 3 For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4 But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. 5 For each will have to bear his own load.


Main Idea: The church is a refuge for the burdened. 

1. Hope for the broken. 

2. Support for the burdened. 

3. Humility for the conceited.

4. Accountability for the individual. 

Weekly Prayer Prompts: 

Praying Scripture will help build a more focused and creative prayer life. Read the Scripture text slowly and carefully. As you read, pray as the Lord brings prayers to your mind, and you can use these prompts if you get stuck or need more ideas. The point is to practice prayer, so even if you don’t pray through the whole list, just doing it is a success! 

[Prayer prompts by Candi Powers]

Galatians 6:1-5

Verses 1-2:

Ask the Lord to keep you from being caught in transgression.

Pray for the Lord to reveal if you need to confront someone else’s sin.

Ask God to give you an attitude of restoration and gentleness when dealing with someone else’s sin.

Pray for the Lord to purify His church.

Pray for the purity of Richland Creek and it’s members.

Ask that God would use believers at Richland Creek to confront sin in ways that bring about restoration.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to keep you from temptation.

Ask God to open your eyes to your own sin so that you can turn from it.

Pray for deep friendships and close relationships where you can bear another’s burdens and they can help bear yours.

Pray for those bearing heavy burdens today, that God would bring believers beside them to lighten their load.

Verses 3-5:

Ask the Lord to enable you to see yourself rightly, not thinking more of yourself than you ought to.

Pray for God to prevent you from comparing yourself to others.

Ask the Lord to increase your godliness and fruitfulness so that when you look back, you will be encouraged by His work in your life.

Pray for the Lord to help you encourage and not bring down those around you.

Thank God that He knows the load you bear and promises that it will turn out for your good.

Ask for the strength to bear the load you’ve been given.


July 14, 2024

Sunday Worship Count - 9:00 and 10:30 am: 1471

Total General Fund Contributions and Preschool at The Creek Income

Week of July 14, 2024: $ 52,651

Year to Date: $ 2,060,496

Food Pantry Update: 

Our next Community Food Pantry - Saturday, August 10 (9-11 am) 


Click Here for a List of Needed Food Items

Our Community Food Pantry events are held twice a month on the second and fourth Saturdays. Please contribute as you are able to assist us in helping families facing hunger. Items may be dropped off in the collection barrels both inside and outside the church near the office entrance. Thank you for your donations and compassion.

>> Questions about Church Membership? If you have questions regarding how to become a member at Richland Creek or if you would like to update your information for our church database then please email Donna Wright  donna@richlandcreek.com.

>> Where are you serving? Be sure to visit the SERVE page on our website CLICK HERE! This page is a great source for you to stay informed about how to plug into the ministries of the Creek, using your gifts and talents to the glory of God. If you missed Dr. Mike Powers sermon on "The Work of the Ministry" take time and listen this week to the "why" we are to serve.

>> Stay connected by downloading the Richland Creek MOBILE APP today! With The Church App, you can easily watch and listen to sermons, read articles and access prayer guide. Click Here to download the App. 

>> The Richland Creek Weekly Sermon Podcast is now live! Weekly Sunday sermons from Pastor Mike Powers and other members of our Pastoral Body. It's easier than ever to have our weekly sermon delivered to your favorite source for podcasts. Click Here for instructions.


Joining a Life Group is key because there is no better way to get to know the Creek than by knowing its people. Life groups read the Bible together and talk about living it out in community.

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